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April 8, 2019


Dear fellow Chatham Township Residents, 


My name is Stacey Ewald and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Chatham Township Committee.  I have run before, and I am running again, as I want our town to be the best that it can be, managed in a fiscally-responsible way and in a nonpartisan, community-engaging manner.


We are in the lists of best schools and towns in New Jersey and the country. So much of this comes from the extraordinary community volunteer efforts – relentlessly striving for excellence and achieving it through collaboration across diverse viewpoints. It is time for our Township Committee to mirror this culture of collaboration that makes us such a desirable place to raise families. 


The Township faces challenges that require thoughtful, respectful and factual discussions about our future.  We need someone on the Committee who can bring people together to do what is best for Chatham Township.  We need a sound, well-thought-out plan to address:


  • The development of 74 units of affordable housing in accordance with our Fair Share Housing settlement;


  • The Dixiedale Farm multi-family development and the 24 units of affordable housing planned for the skate park location;


  • The aging facilities that house our police, DPW and administrative offices, and;


  • The revenue lost in infrastructure fees and Colony Pool that helped the town keep the tax rate flat for the past few years.


My husband and I chose Chatham Township as our home 22 years ago. Over the years, I have worked tirelessly to bring the community together and raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the benefit of our Chatham Township community. It has been a privilege to coordinate volunteers, programs and fundraising as President and Trustee of the Chatham Education Foundation and President of the Southern Boulevard School Parent Teacher Organization. 


In my professional life, I worked as an Audit Director for a large financial services firm, examining the financial, regulatory and operational processes and risks and developing effective business solutions.


I look forward to putting my community leadership and business experience in the service of our residents. I humbly ask for your support in this election.



Stacey Ewald

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